
Experience reachNFC now



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Lost / 遺失的

If your reachNFC is lost or stolen, please contact us immediately.


Security / 安全

NFC technology can only perform at a close distance. It interacts at a point-to-point manner and requires double verification when sharing information. Confidentiality and Security should not be a concern. In case of any dispute, the company reserves the right of final decision. The company reserve to right to reject order under the local law and regulation. The company reserves the right to suspend, change or terminate the above services/offers, and amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

NFC技術只能在近距離發揮作用。 它以點對點的方式交互,共享資訊時需要雙重驗證。 機密性和安全性不應成為問題。 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。 根據當地法律法規,本公司保留拒絕訂單的權利。 本公司保留隨時暫停、更改或終止上述服務/優惠以及修改本條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知。

Where does the Data go? / 數據去哪裡?

ReachNFC is as secure as any new-age technology and as safe as the information you put on it. It only works within an inch of a compatible device, and can only share, rather than extract information.
In addition, there is no financial information stored. All details shared are typically details you will have on any of your traditional business cards.

ReachNFC 與任何新時代技術一樣安全,並且與您放入其中的資訊一樣安全。 它只能在相容設備的一英寸範圍內工作,並且只能共享,而不能提取資訊。
此外,沒有儲存任何財務資訊。 共享的所有詳細資訊通常都是您在任何傳統名片上都會有的詳細資訊。